1)Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008:
Sybex | ISBN: 0470167408 | October 15, 2007 | 806 pages | PDF | 15.7MB
Understand concepts, create perfect designs, and manage every stage of the project with this thorough guide to Autodesk's powerful civil engineering software. Authored by experts with close ties to Autodesk and the Civil 3D community, this book features an in-depth, tutorial-based approach that is grounded in real-world examples so that you can get the most out of Civil 3D.
Full of advanced techniques and insider tips, this practical guide focuses squarely on how to use the software in a production environment—and provides insights, tips, and techniques you won't find anywhere else. Whether you're new to Civil 3D or want to expand your skills, this is the comprehensive tutorial and reference you'll use again and again.
Download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PONT1OPI
2)AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 Bible

This is the eighth edition of the popular AutoCAD reference-tutorial, the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Bible, by Ellen Finkelstein. Because of its comprehensive coverage, it is very popular among both novice and experienced users. Even some of the employees at Autodesk keep this book at their workstations. Coverage of AutoCAD LT–an inexpensive, “light” version of AutoCAD–is also incorporated throughout the book. The book begins with a Quick Start tutorial, so that even beginners will be doing exciting work with AutoCAD on their very first day. The chapters begin with the basics of creating drawings, using commands, and specifying coordinates. Finkelstein builds on this these chapters to cover more complex 2D and 3D drawing techniques, including using layers, creating dimensions, 3D coordinates, solids, and rendering. Finally, the book discusses advanced topics such as customization of commands and toolbars, and programming AutoCAD using AutoLISP and VBA. A CD-ROM contains before and after drawings for each tutorial. All of these real-world drawings have been collected from AutoCAD professionals.
This is the DVD minus the trial software which gives you the e-book in .pdf format and all the drawing files for all the exercises. There are before and after drawings so that you may check and verify that everything you did was correct. The net result is an ISO of about 137MB
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Sybex | ISBN0470121505 | 2007-04-30 | CHM | 400 pages | 17.5 Mb
Quickly master AutoCAD 2008 using this practical guide—no matter your skill level. AutoCAD author and expert George Omura presents the basics of AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 and offers clear explanations, a task-based approach, and pages of real-world examples and exercises to make this thorough book more valuable and useful than ever. Whether you’re new to AutoCAD or just looking for a quick refresher, you’ll find this focused introduction to be all you need to get quickly up to speed.
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